Title : Masalah jangka pendek dalam sektor
(Short-term problems in the agricultural
Page : 128
Dalam jangka pendek hasil-hasil pertanian cenderung
mengalami naik turun yang relatif besar. Harganya boleh mencapai tingkat yang
sangat tinggi pada sesuatu masa, sebaliknya kemerosotan yang sangat buruk pada
masa berikutnya. Ketidakstabilan harga tersebut dapat disebabkan oleh
permintaan dan penawaran terhadap barang pertanian yang sifatnya tidak elastis.
Sifat ini menyebabkan perubahan yang sangat besar terhadap tingkat harga
apabila permintaan atau penawaran mengalami perubahan. Faktor yang menimbulkan
ketidakstabilan harga pertanian dalam jangka pendek dapat dibedakan kepada dua
sumber berikut : (i) naik turunnya
permintaan dan (ii) naik turunnya penawaran.
· Translates
Bahasa Into English (PRESENT TENSE)
In the short term
agricultural products tend to fluctuate relatively large. The price may reach
very high levels in the past something, otherwise a very bad slump in the next
period. Instability can be caused by the supply and demand for agricultural
goods that are not elastic. These properties lead to very large changes in the
price level when the demand or supply changes. Factors that lead to instability
of agricultural prices in the short term can be differentiated to the following
two sources: (i) fluctuations in demand
and (ii) the rise and fall offer.
· Translates
Bahasa Into English (PAST TENSE)
In the short term
agricultural product tend to fluctuate relatively large. The price may reach
very high levels in the past something, otherwise a very bad slump in the next
period. Instability can be caused by the supply and demand for agricultural
goods that were not elastic. These properties lead to very large changes in the
price level when the demand or supply changes. Factors that lead to instability
of agricultural prices in the short term can be differentiated to the following
two sources: (i) fluctuations in demand and
(ii) the rise and fall offered.